The Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Fresno is the oldest Armenian Apostolic church in the Western United States. The first Holy Mass- Badarak was officiated by Rev. Aharon Melconian in 1895. The church is registered as a National Historic site in downtown Fresno.
In 1900, the Armenian Apostolic community felt the need for their own church building with an organizational nucleus. Therefore on February 24, 1900, the first “General Membership” meeting was held, at which time a five-man Board of Trustees was elected. On March 2, 1900, at their first official meeting, They decided unanimously to build their own church at the corner of “F” and Monterey Streets. At the same meeting they also decided to name the church “Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church.”
On May 28, 1912, at the membership meeting the congregation discussed the need for a larger church at which time it was decided to purchase the present location at Ventura and “M” Streets for the sum of $3,000.
On July 9, 1913, the “F” Street Church was destroyed by a fire that started down the street and consumed the entire block of buildings. Due to this unexpected tragedy, the congregation was forced to hasten its efforts to build the new and larger church. On November 1, 1913, ground-breaking ceremonies were held.
The “Blessing of the Cornerstones” was held on January 14, 1914. At this ceremony, a handful of soil brought from the Monastery of St. Krikor the Illuminator in Garin (Erzeroum) was placed in the foundation along with a Nshkar” from St. James Monastery in Jerusalem.
The first Badarak (Liturgy) was held in the completed basement of the Church on April 12, 1914. The architect of the Church was Boghos Condorjian (Lawrence Cone). The total cost of the Church was $22,594.84.
In 1956 at the General Membership Meeting, it was decided to start construction of the new social hall directly behind the church. The blessing of the foundation was held on December 9, 1956, and the construction was completed in 1959. The total cost of the project including most of the necessary furnishings and equipment amounted to approximately $200,000.
– Excerpt from the 85th Anniversary Book