The Armenian word for Baptism is Mkrtel, Mkrtutyun. The work Knoonk is also commonly used meaning the sacrament through which the believer is regenerated by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to complete the rite of Christian initiation and adoption by God.
In the Armenian Apostolic Church tradition, the date for ceremony is set in consultation with the Pastor of the church and typically takes place within 40 days of birth. A Godfather is needed for the baptism in order to guarantee the faith of the person being baptized as well as taking him/her under his charge to see that he/she receives the proper Christian education. It is a requirement of the Armenian Church that the Godfather chosen be of the same religious practice of the Orthodox faith.
Please download and complete the Baptism Request Form and email to or by mail to 2226 Ventura St., Fresno, CA 93721.