His Holiness Aram I Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia with our Choir on the occasion of His Holiness’ 2005 Pontifical Visit to Fresno.
The Holy Trinity Church Choir was formed in 1915 under the guidance of Mihran Melikian.
In 1918 Prof. Kalfayan, a well known musician and composer from Boston, was invited to assume the position of Choir Master. Under his able leadership, the choir in addition to its duties every Sunday, gave many concerts of religious and patriotic music. In the early 1950’s, Cardinal Agajanian of the Roman Catholic Church visited Fresno and performed High Mass in St. John’s Church in Fresno. Our choir sang the Divine Liturgy Music composed by Prof. Kalfayan, receiving praises from the Cardinal and the congregation. When Prof. Kalfayan passed away in 1949, KMJ radio station broadcasted his Divine Liturgy performed by a 60-member choir in Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church.
Throughout the years, many people have served in the choir in various capacities. Many individuals have been participating as choir members since they were teenagers. The following individuals have served as Choir Directors: Henriette Devejian, Varoujan Assadourian, Elizabeth Vahradian, and Dzovig Yaralian-Kutumian. As organists, we have enjoyed listening to Ted Isaacs, Seda Sarkissian Sadoian, and Queenie Antoyan. These individuals have devoted many personal hours to serving the church in these capacities as have all the choir members who have been part of this organization over many years.
Today, the choir has over 30 members. Each Sunday and on other special occasions, our choir sings the Holy Badarak under the direction of our current Choir Director Shoghig Papoyan-Aladjian and organist Naira Shahsouvarian.
We invite those who would like to be part of the choir to contact the Church office.